Don’t Ignore These Furnace Repairs

December 25th, 2023
Technician smiling in front of Van 1 (2) (1)

If your furnace is experiencing any issues with operation, you want to pay attention to those changes. Furnace problems tend to get worse and not better unless you invest in maintenance and repairs. Ignoring furnace problems will mean that they continue on until your furnace breaks down completely. But there is something you can do to prevent this from happening.

Schedule an appointment with our team for furnace repair in Mooresville. Our team can check out your furnace and fix any problems that are happening. Then you can reset easy knowing that your furnace is in great shape for keeping your home warm all winter season long. You can keep reading to learn more about the signs of furnace repair needs and what they mean.

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What’s the Difference Between Ducted and Ductless Heat Pumps?

December 11th, 2023

If you’re shopping around for a new heat pump, you may be wondering about the difference between the ducted and ductless options. Which one is going to work better for your home and family? The answer is, it depends.

We’re going to highlight the pros and cons of both ducted heat pumps and ductless heat pumps below so that you can make an educated decision when purchasing your next unit. You can give our team a call to schedule a heat pump service in Mooresville and we can help you make the best decision. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about the similarities and differences between different types of heat pumps.

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What You Should Know About Variable Speed Furnaces

November 27th, 2023
Technician smiling in front of Van 1 (2) (1)

All furnaces are not made the same. Aside from differences between gas and electric or duct and ductless, you also have other options as well. One of these is whether or not you want a variable-speed furnace. Most furnaces have one single-speed setting.

A variable speed furnace automates your furnace working either not quite as hard or slightly harder to provide the best results. If you want to schedule HVAC service in Hickory to learn more about variable-speed furnaces, give our team a call. You can also keep reading to learn more about this valuable function and how it can benefit both your heating system and your home.

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The Connection Between Your Home’s Humidity and Indoor Temperature

November 13th, 2023

Did you know that humidity plays a major role in how comfortable your home is? Humidity levels that are too high or too low can lead to an overall lack of comfort. However, when you find that just right level of humidity for your home, it’s like magic. 

You can keep reading to learn more about the importance of humidity and how healthy humidity levels can help your heater and your family alike. If humidity levels are off in your home, you can also learn more about solutions for having consistently balanced humidity levels.

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Benefits of the Phenomenal Aire Ventilation System

October 16th, 2023

If you’re interested in a Phenomenal Aire whole home ventilation system, you’re in the right place. This unique indoor air purifier works differently than other air purifiers that require either a high-quality filter or a UV light. A Phenomenal Aire system doesn’t have moving parts and doesn’t require any maintenance like other indoor air purifiers need.

The unit will last you for 8-10 years following installation. The way that a Phenomenal Aire system works is by releasing billions of ion particles into your home to capture and neutralize the harmful particles in the air. From allergens to germs and everything in between, Phenomenal Aire will exceed your expectations for indoor air quality. 

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3 Benefits of Whole House Dehumidifiers

October 2nd, 2023
Technician smiling in front of Van 1 (2) (1)

Having some humidity in the air is a good thing, but having too much humidity in the air can be detrimental to your home and family. The good news is, you have options when it comes to dehumidifying your home. While you may be tempted to purchase a small portable dehumidifier, we encourage you to consider a whole house option instead.

When you add a dehumidifier to a duct system, you can enjoy consistent humidity levels based on the settings you choose. You can keep reading to learn more about how a whole house dehumidifier works, and the benefits of installing one in your duct system.

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What Are My Options for AC Installation?

September 18th, 2023
Technician working on Heat Pump or Outdoor AC Unit

When it’s time to install a new air conditioner in your home, you can replace your current unit with a newer version of the same thing, or you can shop around and consider your options–and there are many! It can be tough to decide what’s the best choice, especially when it’s an investment you have to live with for 10-15 years. 

If you’ve been searching online for air conditioning installation near me, you’ve reached the right place. You can keep reading to learn about all of your different air conditioning options, as well as the pros and cons of each one. This can help you make an informed decision so you can be happy with your air conditioner for its 10-15-year lifespan.

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Is it Time to Think About Furnace Maintenance?

September 4th, 2023

Many homeowners invest in furnace maintenance regularly, every single year. Others wait for problems to pop up before they schedule a repair appointment. If you’re one of the people who puts off furnace service, we have good news. It’s not too late. You can still schedule furnace service ahead of the fall and winter seasons to make sure that your furnace is in great condition for the cold temperatures at the end of the year. 

We get it. It’s hot outside and you’ve still got your mind on air conditioning services in Hickory. You haven’t switched gears to heating yet. Keep reading to learn more about why you might want to schedule furnace maintenance now in the late summer instead of putting it off for later in the year.

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Should I Repair or Replace My Heat Pump?

August 21st, 2023

If your heat pump is older or experiencing persistent problems, you may be at a fork in the road. Do you invest in repairs or go ahead and install an entirely new heat pump system? It really depends on the situation, but we do have a few key considerations that can help you make your decision.

Our team is always here to answer your questions about heat pump repairs and heat pump replacement. You can keep reading to learn more about when you might choose to replace your heat pump instead of repairing it. And you can always give us a call to schedule an in-home assessment where we can offer our expert opinion and outline your replacement options.

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The Connection Between AC Repairs and Tune-Ups

August 7th, 2023

You’ve probably heard that your air conditioner needs regular maintenance in order to continue working at its best. But what actually happens when you skip AC service? Is it really that big of a deal? The short answer is, yes. It is a big deal. 

When you invest in AC maintenance, you reap the benefits. But when you skip out on this valuable service, you end up paying the price. If you need to schedule Mooresville heat and air services, give our team a call. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about how AC tuneups can lower the chances that you have to schedule an appointment for AC repairs.

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