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Ace Hardware Home Services Blog

Is it Time to Think About Furnace Maintenance?

Many homeowners invest in furnace maintenance regularly, every single year. Others wait for problems to pop up before they schedule a repair appointment. If you’re one of the people who puts off furnace service, we have good news. It’s not too late. You can still schedule furnace service ahead of the fall and winter seasons to make sure that your furnace is in great condition for the cold temperatures at the end of the year. 

We get it. It’s hot outside and you’ve still got your mind on air conditioning services in Hickory. You haven’t switched gears to heating yet. Keep reading to learn more about why you might want to schedule furnace maintenance now in the late summer instead of putting it off for later in the year.

Prevent Breakdowns

There are a couple of goals behind scheduling furnace maintenance. One of those goals is to prevent a surprise breakdown. Ideally, you want to fix things inside of your furnace before they break completely. A maintenance appointment is an opportunity for our expert technicians to take a look inside the system and identify problems as they are just beginning. 

When we are able to make repairs and replace worn-out parts all along, there’s less of a chance that your furnace will break down and stop working. This also means that you are scheduling maintenance appointments on your own time when it is convenient instead of facing an emergency repair at a less convenient time.

Save on Energy Bills

As the years go by, your furnace naturally loses some of its energy efficiency. But it doesn’t have to. With regular annual maintenance, your furnace can maintain its energy efficiency to lower operating costs across its lifespan. You can benefit from lower energy bills this coming fall and winter season as well as for all the years ahead. 

Improve Comfort

There’s also the added bonus of improving your overall comfort. When your furnace loses efficiency, it doesn’t work as well as it used to. This means that your home may not get as warm or stay warm consistently. You can also suffer from poor indoor air quality as your furnace ages if you don’t invest in maintenance. Humidity levels may be too high and surfaces around your home may get dusty more often. 

But when your furnace is always in excellent condition it will work better to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. Your furnace will be able to produce more heat and help your home maintain a consistent temperature without hot and cold spots. 

Extend the Lifespan

When you invest in furnace maintenance every single year, you increase the likelihood that your furnace will have a longer-than-average lifespan. Aside from monthly homeowner maintenance, investing in professional maintenance is the best way to help your furnace last longer. 

The longer your furnace lasts, the more you’re getting out of that initial investment. When it is time to upgrade your furnace to a newer version, you can do so with confidence knowing that you got the most out of your previous furnace since you cared for it well. 

Thank you for choosing Ace Hardware Home Services. Call us today to schedule an appointment for air conditioning service.

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