Ace Hardware Home Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning services’

Is a Broken Down Compressor the End of Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, September 5th, 2022

What many homeowners don’t realize about the air conditioner’s compressor is that this component is the most important, and the most expensive, part of the system. So if it breaks down, you might be wondering, “Is this the end of my air conditioner?”

The short, noncommittal answer to this is “maybe.” Don’t worry, we will elaborate!

Your compressor is tasked with actually allowing refrigerant within the system to move and transfer from a gaseous to a liquid state and vice versa. This is what makes the cooling process possible. In some cases, you may be able to replace just the compressor and not the air conditioner, if the compressor malfunctions, but in most cases, it’s best to replace the whole AC system. Read on to learn why!

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Signs That You Need Air Conditioner Repair

Monday, April 5th, 2021

woman-in-front-of-fanImagine this scenario: It’s the middle of summer and you’re sitting in your home on an 85° day. It’s okay that it’s that hot because your air conditioner is blasting away, providing you with chilled air that makes you feel perfectly comfortable. Until suddenly, the AC stops working.

You rush to the thermostat—the settings are correct. The thermostat still seems to be functioning, so what gives? Next you check to see if the circuit breaker to your AC tripped and needs to be reset—nope, it’s not that either. You call for emergency repairs—but you have to wait for service since after all, it’s the middle of summer, and everyone else is calling for emergency AC repairs too.

What if this entire scenario could be prevented? Read on to learn how.

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Get Yourself a New Thermostat!

Monday, June 15th, 2020

Homeowners today have an expectation when it comes to their home comfort. They expect it to be reliable, and for their climate control systems to work efficiently. Of course, this means it’s vitally important to trust professionals when it comes to the installation, repair, and maintenance of their heater and air conditioner. It also means following recommendations to ensure you’re doing your part to boost system efficiency.

There are a number of actions you can take to maintain or even increase the efficiency of your air conditioner this summer. For instance, you can make sure to always keeps blinds and curtains closed on south-facing windows during the day so that your air conditioner doesn’t cycle on so early. Another great way to boost system efficiency that not a lot of homeowners think about is to upgrade your thermostat!

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Here’s Why We Recommend a Central AC

Monday, June 1st, 2020


Have you just been getting by with window units or inefficient portable air conditioners to try to stay cool? Are you ready to see what you’ve been missing out on? Then this is the blog post for you!

We can’t overstate the benefits of taking the plunge and starting to enjoy the comfort that a central air conditioner has to offer. Window units may have their pros—easy installation, zoned cooling—but they really can’t match everything central air conditioning can bring.

Remember though, no central air conditioning system can deliver you the best performance if you don’t have it professionally installed and serviced by a skilled and experienced professional. That’s why you should call on our team! Read on, and don’t sell yourself short anymore on the comfort you deserve.

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Ready for a New Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 18th, 2020

efficient-green-ac-unitWe totally get it — replacing your air conditioner is certainly not something you were planning on doing this summer. However, we are here to tell you that sometimes it is for the best, especially if yours is no longer efficient or effective.

There are quite a few signs that suggest your air conditioner is no longer doing its job, and below, we have listed some of them for you. Just keep reading to find out more, and remember to call us when you need air conditioning services in Hickory, NC.

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