Ace Hardware Home Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Furnace Maintenance’

My Furnace is Struggling, What Does It Need?

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Autumn has officially arrived, which is totally great because your furnace could use some time in the spotlight! But, before you can actually switch on your furnace for the first time, it is important that you read this blog!

Your furnace requires a whole bunch of services to ensure that it is fully equipped to keep you and your family warm and toasty all winter long, so if you are unsure as to what your furnace needs, keep reading below! (Oh, and of course, remember to schedule your heating services, including furnace repair in Mooresville, NC, with our team!)

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What in the World Do I Do With My Furnace in the Summer?

Monday, March 23rd, 2020


Can you feel it? Spring is in the air! The bees are buzzing, flowers are blooming, and from every home, you can hear the sound of air conditioners whirring. But just because it’s your air conditioner’s turn in the spotlight doesn’t mean that you can just go off and forget about your furnace!

There are a number of steps you should take in order to ensure that your furnace is protected during the summer, and below, we have listed them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call our team when you need Moorseville furnace repairs or maintenance.

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