Ace Hardware Home Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Mooresville’

“My Ducts Are Leaking Water, What’s Up?”

Monday, September 21st, 2020


Do your ducts seem to be raining water? First off, we do want to mention that water isn’t used in any part of the cooling process, and if any part of your air conditioner seems to be “leaking water” this is not the case. But what is happening is that there is excess moisture from humidity–something we’re all too familiar with here in Mooresville and the surrounding areas–and that moisture causes condensation to form.

When it does so on your HVAC air ducts, this is known as duct sweating, or in some cases “raining ducts.”

At this point, you might be thinking, “Phew, so it’s not a problem!”

That’s where you are wrong, unfortunately. Excess moisture–humidity–can cause a host of problems, from property damage to unhealthy mold growth. This is true no matter where your ductwork is located and is especially problematic in basements and crawlspace. But, how and why does this condensation occur, and what can be done about it? Read on!

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Why Do AC Systems Short-Cycle

Monday, August 24th, 2020

woman-listening-and-holding-hand-to-earLet’s say you’re sitting in your living room, trying to enjoy the comfort of your air conditioner, but it keeps switching on and off in rapid succession. Not only is this an annoying sound, but it’ll make you wonder if something is wrong with your air conditioner as it struggles to keep you cool. And we have some news–something is wrong with your air conditioner.

This phenomenon is known as short-cycling, and it places a lot of wear and tear on your system by forcing it to work inefficiently and ineffectively. This will cause a spike in your energy bills and leave you uncomfortable no matter where you set your thermostat to. To help you out, we’ve uncovered below what exactly short-cycling is, why it occurs, and why it’s bad for your air conditioner. Read on!

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AC Compressor Failure: Repair or Replacement?

Monday, August 10th, 2020

ac-compressorOver the years, as a natural result of wear and tear, you’re going to deal with AC repair needs. Particularly since our air conditioners work so hard in this climate. You’ll likely find yourself needing motor bearings lubricated, fan belts replaced, and maybe even refrigerant and ductwork leaks repairs. Fortunately, though, these are pretty simple fixes, and you’re less likely to run into a problem if you stay on top of your routine AC maintenance, too.

There’s one repair need in particular, however, that’s especially unpleasant to face, and that’s a broken down or damaged compressor. When it comes to most other AC components, replacing the component itself is usually the best option. But this isn’t always the case with a compressor–the heart of your air conditioner. Sometimes it makes more financial sense to replace the whole air conditioning system! Wondering why? Read on.

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Boost Your Cooling Efficiency This Summer with These Tips

Monday, July 13th, 2020


No matter what type of air conditioning system you have, it’s going to get a workout in the summertime. Fortunately, modern central cooling systems are very durable and are designed to deal with this kind of heat while providing us with effective and efficient cooling.

But what if your system isn’t working as efficiently as it should? Are you paying too much to cool your home? Granted, energy costs certainly rise in the summer—in fact, your HVAC use accounts for about half of all energy use in the home. But if you find yourself paying dramatically more than you were last year, or even more than your neighbors are paying for similar use, then something is causing your system to work inefficiently. So, how can you change that?

Don’t Set Your Thermostat So Low!

No, we aren’t asking you to turn on the heat during the summer. But there’s a good chance that you’re keeping your thermostat set lower than you actually need to. A lower thermostat setting won’t provide you with cooling any faster, it will only keep your compressor running longer. Many homeowners set their AC systems to come on when the temperature rises above 72°F, but the truth is that most people can stay perfectly comfortable at 78°F during the day.

Keep the AC Unobstructed

What we mean is, make sure that nothing is surrounding the outdoor unit of your air conditioner that could potentially restrict airflow. This might include lawn clippings, mulch, tree branches, leaves, and even dirt or grime. Use a low-pressured hose to spray off the condenser unit and you should be in good shape!

Keep the Vents Unobstructed

Just like the outdoor unit, your room vents can get obstructed, particularly if they are near the floor. Make sure you don’t have anything in front of yours like furniture, kids toys, backpacks, etc. You should also make sure they’re not too caked up with dust, as this can also restrict airflow (not to mention it’s terrible for your indoor air quality).

Change Your Air Filter

The air filter within the HVAC cabinet is in place to protect the system and its blower fan from dust and other debris that gets pulled in through the return air ducts. The filter gets congested after 1-3 months, and if it’s not swapped out for a clean filter, the blockage of airflow will force the system to run longer in order to try to reach the desired temperature on your thermostat. This means you’re essentially making your AC work harder to do its job, which is very inefficient.

Schedule Professional AC Maintenance

The aforementioned tips are just a few ways you can boost the efficiency of your air conditioner this season. One last tip we have to share is to make sure you keep up on your maintenance sessions! We typically recommend a tune-up each spring, before you need your air conditioner the most. But it’s more important that you be consistent with maintenance and have it done every year.

For quality air conditioning service in Mooresville, NC, contact Ace Hardware Home Services today.

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Does Your AC Need Repairs?

Monday, April 20th, 2020

tools-and-ac-unitThe last thing any homeowner wants to do on a hot summer day is turn on their air conditioner and discover that there’s a problem. See, your air conditioner is incredibly important to you and your family’s comfort, so if there’s a problem, you are going to want it taken care of right away!

Fortunately, there are a number of signs that indicate your air conditioner is in need of help, and below, we have highlighted some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and yes, as always, remember to call OUR TEAM when you need AC repair in Mooresville, NC. 

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Ready For A New Furnace? Read This!

Monday, February 24th, 2020

HVAC-tech-at-womans-doorIt’s still pretty chilly outside, so of course, you are dependent on your furnace for warmth and comfort. But, what happens when your furnace is no longer capable of keeping up with your household heating demands? A replacement might just be the answer.

Of course, the thought of replacing your old furnace and putting a new one in its place can be a bit overwhelming, which is why we’ve created a guide to help walk you through it. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call us when you need furnace service in Mooresville, NC.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About Dual Fuel Systems

Monday, February 10th, 2020

question-markIf we told you that you can combine two of the most efficient heating systems on the market today for even better efficiency and even greater comfort, would you believe us? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, believe it! A dual fuel system combines the power of a gas furnace with the versatility of a heat pump to give you a heating experience like none other!

There are just so many reasons to consider installing a dual fuel system in your home, and below, we have outlined some of them for you. All you have to do is keep reading to find out more (and yes, remember to call our team when you need heating services in Mooresville, NC.)

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Treat Yourself With a Heat Pump This Fall

Monday, November 4th, 2019

While you got your fill of tricks and treats over the weekend, we are hoping that you’ve still got room for one more (a treat, that is!) Heat pumps are the ultimate fall treat, as they are super efficient, effective, and have the ability to provide year-round comfort with just the flip of a switch (yes, you’re right — this one sounds like more of a trick, but it’s true! We swear!)

There are plenty of reasons to get excited about heat pumps, and below, we have listed some of them for you. All you’ve got to do is keep reading to find out more (oh, and of course, remember to schedule your heating services in Mooresville, NC with our team.)

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Here’s Why You Should Upgrade Your Thermostat

Monday, July 15th, 2019

Now that summer is officially here, you want to enjoy it as much as possible—and for some of you, that means out with the old and in with the new! It’s time to trade in that popped pool raft for a brand new floatie, to get rid of that tanning oil for some SPF 75, and oh, of course, upgrade your thermostat!

Owning a great thermostat has everything to do with enjoying a more comfortable summer! And in case you don’t believe us, keep reading below! We have listed just some of the many reasons why you should consider making the switch to a brand new smart thermostat. Trust us, you won’t regret it. So, what are you waiting for?

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How Duct Repair Can Help You This Summer

Monday, April 8th, 2019

You rely on your air conditioner all summer long to keep your home cool and comfortable. However, your air conditioner would render completely useless without your ductwork system. Your ductwork is responsible for carrying conditioned air to every space in your home. Therefore, it is important that your ducts receive the same amount of attention as your AC. If you have an issue with your ductwork, don’t let it be ignored: schedule your repairs ASAP.

You and your AC will benefit greatly when you schedule your duct repairs this summer. Scheduling this type of AC repair in Mooresville, NC is one of the best ways to boost your AC’s performance and grant you peace of mind and comfort during the time of year you need it most. In case you are not yet convinced, we have outlined just a few of the many ways duct repair will benefit you. Keep reading below to find out more. 

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